Graham Ormiston at TBN UK

Letter from the new CEO

Hi TBN UK family,

Some exciting news!

Towards the end of 2022 I was honoured to take over from Richard Fleming as Chief Executive Officer of TBN UK. You’ll be as glad as I am to know that Richard is still very much involved in everything we do as he remains CEO of Governance Ministries (the charity of which TBN UK is a division).

Since launching in 2015, Richard has established TBN UK as the leading broadcast Christian TV channel in the UK with the widest reach. The channel has been operating 24/7 ever since — even through a pandemic! This means we’ve reached many people who stumbled upon the channel ‘by accident’. People who might never attend a church service, or those who are grieving, oppressed or isolated have discovered the freedom of Jesus’ message, simply because we were present. Every testimony we’ve received over the past 8 years has only served to increase our resolve; to bring the love of Jesus into every home through media & entertainment.

Since TBN UK’s conception, our challenge has always been; how can we sustain the faithful broadcast of the Gospel of Christ on the airwaves in our country? The annual cost of airing on Freeview and Sky is around £3.5 million — and that’s before any programme making or staff costs!

Today, a significant disruption to the broadcast industry is well underway with global viewership trending towards digital, device-based, and anytime viewing. Even the BBC have announced the future closure of linear broadcast channels as they attempt to transition their media empire to the digital-first world! So, as we enter 2023, the landscape is very different to that of 2015. We hope to remain a presence on broadcast TV, while receiving fresh vision for our community online.

As we have prayed through our future together, God gave us this word:

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

This is incredibly exciting! For some time, we’ve felt that a fresh move of God is coming, even as the world seems to become darker around us. God willing, we will to continue to produce spirit-led, Gospel-centred, and trustworthy content, for a world that sorely needs it. To quote our recent ad campaign: we’re producing TV that feeds the soul.

Will you join with me in thanking Richard for all he has done in furthering the Gospel in our nation through his faithful command of TBN UK, and also join us as we pray for the future of TBN UK, remembering that it is the Lord who establishes our steps. (Proverbs 16:9)


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    Graham Ormiston

    Graham is passionate to see the Gospel of Christ spread throughout the nation and is always thinking of great new ways to see that happen through the work of TBN UK. He has worked as our post production manager and marketing director but now heads up and supports our teams as the Chief Technology Officer.

    You may have seen Graham on TBN UK Weekly and Partner Time.