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Pray Fast Love: making space for God during Lent

What is Lent and why do we celebrate it as Christians? Inspired by Jesus’ time in the wilderness, we offer some helpful tips for beginning this season of prayer and fasting and how we can do extraordinary things for God in our everyday lives.  

Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2 And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. 3 Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.”
4 But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ”

Matthew 4:1-4 NIV

Before Jesus began His ministry, He was led out to the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to spend time with Father God. Jesus was fasting by giving up food and water, this was His way of relying on God’s ability to sustain Him, removing any distractions and placing God as number one, by intentionally removing something seen as important and necessary.

Jesus, came to be tempted by Satan while he was weak and hungry although He never sinned. Instead, He stood up to the Devil, declaring God’s Word powerfully over His life. This is an example to us because Jesus was fully human as well as being God incarnate. During the season of Lent, (the 40 days leading up to Easter, when we celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection) we can take time to draw nearer to God, gain a new revelation and perspective on life and hold onto God’s Word when we are tempted to sin.

We have broken down things we can do during Lent as PRAY – FAST – LOVE. We develop our relationship with God by praying, we deny our flesh (selfish desires) by fasting and we demonstrate God’s heart by loving others. Below are a few ideas to get us started. You may be able to try one of each or more! There is no condemnation if we slip up or miss out, it is a way of developing a spiritual discipline that is powerful when our focus is to glorify Jesus.  

Pray (talk to God)

1. Spend extra quiet time with God  

2. Prepare a 40-day prayer list  

3. Remind yourself to be thankful, with notes around the house  

4. Have a 40-day worship song playlist

Fast (remove distractions from God)

1. Give up a favourite secular tv programme / Netflix in the evening (you could always find an alternative at!)

2. Stop eating sweet treats and snacks or fizzy drinks  

3. Do a Daniel fast – try going vegan / veggie  

4. Give up social media for 40 days

Love (show kindness)

1. Text, email or write letters to 40 friends or family to tell them about God’s love.

2. Donate some money to a charity that is close to your heart.  

3. Bake or make something for someone.  

4. Clear out 40 items in your home that you don’t need any more and give to charity shop.

Tune in to TBN UK every day at 6.30am, 10am or 3pm for our Lent Devotionals that can uplift you and challenge you during this time. These short episodes will also be available on our YouTube Channel.  

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

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