What’s Your Story?

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    *Please note, TBN UK will only show your first name or initial.

    Stories of Life and God

    Many years ago, the Lord told me to get off the bus that was taking me to a football match. I didn’t get off the bus. I was disobedient and after the match I broke my leg. That wouldn’t have happened if I was obedient. Many years later my wife and I were stood with our backs against the car bomb at Harrods in London and the Lord told me to go and get out of here. This time I was obedient and we walked away. Good job we did as around thirty seconds later where we had been stood, the car bomb blew up. We know all scripture is important. It’s so very, very, very important we always follow and do as it is written. Whatever He says to you, do it – John

    I remember in 2012 I was going through divorce and I was left totally alone with 3 children so I almost didn’t have anybody but my church and God. I was so depressed and suicidal at that point, one day I put my kids to bed and I sat on a couch with my Bible closed and said “Lord I can’t even read it anymore that how low I am but I’m asking you to help me” and then I on the TBN live stream – I don’t even remember who the preacher was but what he said I nearly fell out of couch and God spirit encouraged me so much – he stopped what he was doing and said: “there is a woman watching me right now and your husband just left you with 3 kids. Don’t worry God is in your situation”. I believe this is what I needed at that exact moment. And God was and is with me up until now faithfully working in my life. So I pray that TBN touches even more people who are at the point of desperation and the Lord will speak to them like He did to me. – Oksana

    I write to share a testimony of miraculous healing at the Big Church Festival. For over 6 years, I have been experiencing lower back pain but in the last 2 to years, the sustained and persistent pain has been termed as chronic by the medical professional. On the last day of the festival my wife suggested that we took some time out from being part of the group to sit down together in the crowd of those listening to songs from the performing artists, which we did. Barely had we sat down did a lady who introduced herself to us as Emily approached me and asked if she could pray for me. I said, oh yes! We all need prayer.  Couple of hours later, I felt the pain was disappearing. I would sit down in different awkward positions and deliberately twisting and shifting to identify the trigger pain points but I wasn’t feeling any pain. We drove back home with other family friends and stopped at a service station to take a break. I got out of the car with ease without any pain. It is my interest to get in touch with Emily again and to encourage her to continue to do what she’s doing as God is using her in a powerful way she might not have realised. – Gabriel

    I received healing on behalf of my eldest daughter who had been told she would struggle to have children if at all due to PCOS. After a word of knowledge during prayer, Gery [Malanda on Voice of Healing] spoke healing from ovarian cysts and being barren. Three weeks later I got the wonderful news that my daughter was pregnant and at her last scan all the cysts had gone. Praise God. This healing and baby are miracles. I just had to testify as this is literally life changing for our whole family. I thank God for you all. – Sally

    I had an interesting journey with the Lord when I had a stroke shortly before the lockdown in 2020. I think my testimony is not only on how the Lord preserved my life but the strength, tenacity, and focus on Him, especially during the first crucial hours following the stroke. My experiences in the hospital and how God sustained me when the whole world shut down. While the rest of the world was in lockdown, I was also confined in my body, alone. It’s the abounding grace of God that sustained me and gives hope to those who are feeling hopeless and struggling with health difficulties. – Zola

    I was going to church in the morning. I prayed before I entered my car for a safe journey and on my way to church someone drove 100 miles per hour and had a head on collision with my car. I saw death coming that morning and what I said was “oh God I was going to church to sing for you. If I had known today is my last day on the earth you should’ve told me so that I could say farewell to my family.” These men got out of the car and ran off leaving me there to die. As I was laying down and blood coming out of mouth I didn’t know what to do. A lady with a blue gown came to sit next to me, consoling me. I was afraid I was going to die but she said to me, “You will not die. God is going to look after you and you will be well and testify.” I was bleeding profusely and I said, “Jesus where are you?” and she replied to me “Jesus is here with you”. She said that three times but because of fear I was not paying attention until she said “I will not allow a drunk to kill you while you are going to church to sing.” She said to me “Because of you they send angels to come down from heaven to guard and protect you. You see these men standing there are not ordinary men.” So by the time I said to myself let me look at her well, she told me the ambulance had arrived and that she is going to wait until I was gone with the ambulance. It was a dreadful accident, the fire service had to cut me out of the car. I was in coma for eight days and I spent two and half months in the hospital. I had 13 broken ribs. Had blood clots on my lungs. I had swollen legs. I had my intestines reconstructed. I was feeding on liquids. l couldn’t use my hands for some time. I am supposed to be using a wheelchair but I am walking around with crutches. My recovery is a surprise to the doctors. I went through a terrible time but Jesus was always around me. My advice is there is a good God. Worship him in truth and in spirit. Work in the house of God. Service is important. I just want to thank God for giving me another chance to live. – Nana

    About the channel

    Thank God for TBN UK. I was a heroin addict for 40 years. I was in hell and God used you to set me free. Praise the Lord! 

    TBN UK viewer

    I have a terminal illness, so I really appreciate your programmes. They give me so much pleasure.


    I would firstly like to say a huge thank you to the TBN UK Prayer Team. Over the last three years, I have sent in prayer requests around some big decisions in my life and it has been a real encouragement to know that there are others praying along with me. As a result of those requests, I am walking in the calling that God has over my life, serving others through ministry, my personal life and through my job each week. I thank God for all He is doing in and through this organisation. May God richly bless you all.


    Thank you so much for your help. I believe when more than two pray, Jesus is in the midst of us. So very grateful for your prayers as your kindness shines through you all when I see you in the office on the TV. I am so grateful for all your prayers. May the Lord grant you all many blessings. Yours forever in the Lord. 


    Thank you all for the wonderful uplifting content on your channel. I am going through a very difficult time with domestic issues, you have helped me to cope daily. Please find enclosed a small recognition of your support. I enjoy the many helpful and encouraging programmes. Love and God bless you all.


    Thank you TBN UK for the wonderful work you do in spreading the gospel worldwide, for being an immense blessing to me in my health challenges, and providing hope through the Word. I know one day I will be walking, leaping again, and praising God’s Word in the land of the living. God bless you all. 


    The inspiration behind my creative business came while listening to a sermon on TBN UK so I cannot thank you guys enough for the Spirit-led influence and the godly motivation that you provided… And even though it has taken a long time to put everything together – our patience, steadfastness and forbearance have been stretched like never before! – we are very happy and humbled to have been led in this ministry by the Lord… I am very grateful and thankful for the immense influence that TBN UK have had in my life and on my faith.


    It is my pleasure to be able to support you, and I have wanted to do so for many years and now I am finally able to do so. I love some of the programmes which have impacted on my faith as a practicing Catholic. I watched the first time TBN UK was aired. It’s my ‘go to’ channel for peace of mind. With God’s grace I will be able to support you for many years.


    Thanks for your newsletter. I only found your channel at the beginning of the year, and now I watch it all the time. Watching your channel has brought God and Jesus into my life. It seemed to happen so quickly, I feel like a born again Christian and it’s so wonderful.


    I just wanted to thank you for your wonderfully inspiring channel. I have been watching it for over a year now and God truly moves & speaks to me, every time I watch!  


    I’ve had this pain in my eyes for a while and so I called the TBN UK prayer team asking for healing and listened to healing messages. I woke up one morning with no pain in my eyes and this is the best I’ve felt. Praise God!


    Greetings, I was watching TBN UK and I witnessed a profound and direct call to salvation, by a passionate and spirit-filled author and speaker called Barry. I have been a Christian for 26 years and have said the prayer of salvation many times. But there was something so urgent and powerful in Barry’s testimony, that not only did I feel led to pray the sinner’s prayer again but to contact TBN UK as Barry suggested. I also recently began holding house church in my home. 

    TBN UK viewer

    About our programmes

    TBN UK viewer

    I’m on a spiritual journey to finding Christ! I come from a Muslim background. I found out via a friend who watched you [TBN Presents: Emmanuel Adeseko] on TV, she said it was one of the most inspirational messages she ever watched on TBN UK


    I absolutely loved Melanated Stories. It brought back so many memories. I can’t wait for more episodes. It’s such an honest and poignant account that I could relate to on many levels.


    Wow I enjoyed watching [Awakening with Jon Colyer]. I’ve been watching for a good while now. First time I watched I couldn’t stop crying, I was touched by the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately I cannot get out my home because I am ill with a lung condition which causes my heart to race away. When I feel empty, I watch this programme and I connect with it. Thank you Jon.

    TBN UK viewer

    In Greater Detail with Dr Michael Youssef and Dr RT Kendall was good. I was really educated by their life and ministry stories. Thank you


    Cutting edge broadcasting [Fit For Purpose: Mentoring & Leadership]. I caught last night’s edition, doesn’t dodge any issues.


    I really enjoyed Sacred Harmony. Very interesting and inspiring hearing about St Patrick. Lovely music and beautiful locations. Thank you to Simon Lole and the Very Rev John Mann. 


    Thank you for the sobering but also heartening truths on Fit For Purpose: Preaching the New Covenant. It’s good to know that God’s spoken Word has the same authority it had millenniums ago.


    I like Noel Robinson on Vox Collective where he interviews upcoming worshippers and already established worshippers. I really like the way Noel interacts with the person and reveals their inner workings and passion. I can learn so much just by listening and watching how God is moving in person’s lives and how He is transforming people’s lives globally.


    I am loving Gerry Malanda’s series [Voice of Healing]. What a man of God! Thank you for all that you do TBN team.


    Excellent session [Fit For Purpose: Youth & crime]. Measured comments from real experience.

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