Dave Stotts, the visionary creator behind the captivating “Drive Thru History” series, has redefined the art of storytelling on TBN. With a prolific career spanning over two decades in professional video and media production, Dave’s distinctive style seamlessly weaves compelling visuals with intricate narratives of world history.
What truly sets Dave apart is his profound passion for the subjects he explores. From his early fascination with the magic of cameras to his ground-breaking documentaries that traverse continents, Dave remains dedicated to his mission: to enlighten and captivate audiences with engaging content.
For many, history may seem like a collection of forgotten dates and obscure details. Yet, Dave Stotts sees it as an endless treasure trove of adventures waiting to be uncovered. Through the “Drive Thru History” series on TBN, Dave seamlessly combines his enthusiasm for video production and history, providing viewers with an unforgettable journey through time.
By offering both knowledge and excitement, Dave’s unique approach to recounting world history makes his programs an exceptional addition to any home school curriculum. Each episode invites families to embark on a voyage through diverse cultures, immerse themselves in pivotal moments, and connect with our shared past. Allow Dave to be your guide in understanding, appreciating, and celebrating the remarkable history of our world.