Cody Crouch on TBN

Cody Crouch


Cody Crouch is the host of the programme “This Month in Christian History”. Cody Crouch’s upbringing behind the scenes at TBN laid the foundation for a life dedicated to capturing the world’s wonders through his lens. As a seasoned traveller, he has journeyed across the globe, filming some of its most breath-taking locations for TBN’s programming.

Integrating his passion for travel, history, and the Gospel with his expertise as a producer and on-camera host at TBN, Cody continues the legacy of his grandfather and father by spreading the message of the Gospel worldwide and to future generations.

In 2021, Cody launched his series, “This Month in Christian History,” marking the beginning of his impactful contributions to TBN’s line-up. With the success of Season 2 of “This Month in Christian History” and two captivating seasons of the new series, “Centuries Collide,” Cody has demonstrated remarkable achievement.

Through innovative storytelling, Cody endeavours to convey to younger audiences the profound importance of historical awareness. By drawing inspiration from the remarkable figures of the past, he aims to motivate young people to craft their own enduring legacies in history’s tapestry.

When he’s not in front of the camera, Cody resides in Texas with his wife Audrey, who shares his enthusiasm for his extensive collection of Star Wars action figures, baseball cards, and comic books. Together, they revel in exploring the wonders of God’s creation first-hand.
